The effect of ink jade wears the benefits of ink jade


Moyu is not only jade, but also health care products, and then beautiful decoration



A: purified water and blood circulation

Based on the medical masterpieces such as Shennong Bencao, Tang Bencao, and Compendium of Materia Medica, it has been found by modern science and technology that black jade tea can change the structure of water molecules, make inferior water pure, and automatically adjust the pH of drinking water. To achieve the PH value required by the human body, it can purify blood and lower blood fat, normalize the normal physiological system of the human body, effectively clean up human waste, soften blood vessels, and promote the circulation of blood circulation. At a specific temperature (90 ° C), it can effectively Releases its own trace elements in drinking water, softens and decomposes the body's stones, and even completely eliminates them; can participate in tissue hemoglobin and various enzymes, participate in tissue respiration and biooxidation processes, stimulate islet tissue, and promote its secretion of insulin to balance blood sugar and urine glucose index, and eliminate Toxins and impurities in human blood.

B: Passing through the life and prolonging life

The minerals and trace elements in the Moyu mine are infiltrated by the subcutaneous cells and the acupoints of the human body under the action of their own electrostatic magnetic field, thereby invigorating the human body, thereby improving the immune function of the human body and balancing the mechanisms of the microcirculation system to achieve dredge. Meridian, qi and blood flow, dirty and safe. For cerebral thrombosis sequelae, cerebral infarction, sequelae of cerebral hemorrhage, neurological tinnitus, cervical spondylosis, headache, dizziness, insomnia, neurasthenia, hypertension, diabetes, cerebral arteriosclerosis and other symptoms have preventive and therapeutic effects, long-term use can reduce wrinkles Freckle, nourishing and moisturizing, increasing memory, white hair turning black, hair loss regeneration, longevity effect.

C: Mingmu Runfei lowers blood pressure

Wearing jade jewelry often can promote blood circulation, help the body detoxification, make the skin smooth, white, and elastic, and has a very obvious therapeutic effect on cervical spondylosis, pharyngitis and frozen shoulder. Can regulate yin and yang, can treat convulsions, heart heat, red eyes, edema, cough, lung pain, hyperthyroidism and other diseases. It has the functions of eyesight, lungs, convenience, and blood pressure lowering. And have a certain preventive effect on breast cancer. Long-term wear can prevent the relief of pain, make people energetic, and the body parts are more coordinated. The mouth contains black and green jade. With the help of the nutrients and lysozyme contained in the sputum, it can thirst and quench the thirst. In addition to the stomach heat and nourish the lungs, it has a miraculous effect on oral ulcers.

D, freckle, weight loss, hairdressing

Often drinking jade magic effect tea, has a two-way regulation of the body, can eliminate the body's acidic metabolites, normalize the body's water, change the body's sub-healthy physique, make you full of energy, can eliminate age spots, chloasma, butterflies A lot of people can return to youth. Long-term use of the tea to wash your face, hands, feet, bath can make the skin smooth and delicate, full of luster and elasticity, wrinkle and remove spots, and even have the effect of weight loss, and the use of black jade tea wash eyes can cure presbyopia. Because Moyu Shenxiao tea is rich in zinc, copper, selenium, and strontium, it is very good for hair. Shampoo with Moyu Tea can prevent itchy scalp, remove dandruff and make your hair black and supple.

E, sterilization, anti-inflammatory, analgesic

The B and S elements and their compounds in the ink jade have the functions of sterilization and antipruritic. This is the natural role of natural objects endowed by nature. 'Hong Kong foot' is soaked in black and green jade tea water above ≥38°C, and it can be seen in about 10 days. 'Fugui hand' can be immersed in black jade tea water of ≥38°C for 7 days. It can be effective for drinking green jade tea. Improve and gradually heal; drink black jade tea before breakfast and dinner can improve back pain, long-term drinking of jade tea can improve gout, uremia and other symptoms; drinking and bathing allergy can be effective soon; for stomatitis, sore throat It can be used in dark green jade tea, brushing teeth with dark green jade tea, mouthwash is effective for toothache and periodontitis;

Moyu tea can be used to stop bleeding and quickly remove wounds.

F, decontamination, antisepsis and preservation

The ink jade contains a plain oil base and has a strong penetrating power, so it has a washing effect. It can wash off the paint on the hand, the oil stain of the range hood, and also wash the high-grade fabric, avoiding the unpleasant smell of the paint wash and the oil wash. Using tea with jade, it can prevent the release of tannins, make the tea taste more sweet, not sloppy, cool and delicious. Soaked milk with Moyu Shencha, completely dissolved and not rancid; cooked with rice jade tea, white and smooth, mellow and delicious, not easy to rancid; soup with dark green jade tea, soup is more fresh; green tea with dark green jade tea It can maintain the original color of the original color; use black jade tea to make coffee, the taste is more concentrated and more fragrant; can maintain the fragrance for a long time, and reduce the irritation; watering the flowers with the ink of the jade god tea, can make the flowers and trees without fat and fragrant; Yushu tea flower arrangement can prolong the flowering time, the longer it grows, the fish grows with the ink jade tea, the fish tank does not grow moss, the fish eat less food will be lively, and it will not die if it does not eat in February.

G, purification mineralization magnetization and alcoholization

Soaking garlic and onion with Moyu Shencha can remove odor and bitterness; Moyu Shencha decoction can make the drug completely precipitate and increase the curative effect; spirits plus 1/10 Moyu Shencha, variable sweet, not easy to drunk; Yushen tea dipping fruits and vegetables can remove pollutants such as pesticides and heavy metals; Moyu Shencha boiled noodles and dumplings will be more fragrant, softer, more elastic, and will not stick.

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